We got a really good thunderstorm and plenty of rain last night, so I had late night visitor to my bed. Jacob hates thunder, lightning, and rain if it is dark outside. Rob and Jacob spent the night taking turns hitting me in the face as they both fought for more space on the bed in there sleep. Needless to say, I did not sleep very well. I am not a fan of children sleeping in the bed with us, but for those rare middle of the night thunderstorms I make an exception for Jacob. Once the sun was up I could not keep the boys at the table to eat there breakfast because they wanted to go outside and play in the puddles. It was drizzling off and on, but it was warm outside, and the boys were ok getting wet, so I conceded to let them go and splash in the puddles. London went out for a little while, but she didn't like the boys getting her wet so she came back in.

Inside Guinevere was very proud of herself for learning how to sit up. Isn't she just so cute.

After all that sitting she thought she would wage war with another baby over a toy. She lost, and then spit up in protest. Apparently she is a sore loser.

That's my morning so far. It should prove to be an eventful day.
1 comment:
Boys are SO BOYS! I agree about not getting an ounce of sleep when kids are in bed with me. When Zachary has nightmares (fortunately a rarity now), I let him snuggle with me for 10 minutes and then make him get on the floor of my bedroom. We keep a pillow and blanket there for just such an occasion. Anyway, hopefully the rain cooled things down a little!
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