Here is Joseph, London, and Jacob waiting to get in the pool. They all insist on having there floaties on and having a noodle. Joseph refuses to get in the water, but he needs floaties and a noodle on just so he can look cool or something.

Here is Guinevere and Rob enjoying the water. This was her first time in the swimming pool. She loved it.


Later in the day we had my mom and Aunt over for some fryed chicken and biscutes. They took London and Jacob to see the fireworks. This was the first time that either of them had been to see fireworks. London absolutly loved it. By the third firwork Jacob was screaming his head off. My mom tried to calm him down and keep him quiet, she even tried stuffing food in his mouth. Nothing worked. Then about half way through the show London turned to him and said "Jacob aren't the fireworks beautiful?" That did it, he imidieatly stoped screaming and started chating away about how wonderfull the fireworks were. He said to my mom "Nana there are no monsters in the fireworks, they are in the woods." Maybe this is why he has a hard time sleeping while we are camping. They did not get home till a little after midnight, but they all seemed to have a lot of fun. Hopefully next year we can skip the screaming incident.
Maybe that's why I don't like camping, either ...
Looks like you guys are having a fun summer! BTW, we haven't found friends as fun, compatible, fun, adventurous, fun, smart, fun... well you get the idea- as you guys either. As soon as kids get bigger, we'll have to start planning some camping trips!
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