Thursday, December 25, 2008

Guinevere Has Arrived

Guinevere was born on Dec 18th at 4:36pm. She was 9lb 5oz, and 22.2in long. It has taken me so long to write because unlike we had planned Guinevere was born in the hospital and had to stay for 5 days. To make my explanation as short as possible I will leave out the medical terms. Around noon on the 18th my amniotic fluid turned green and my midwives transported me to the hospital. The green was due to Guinevere pooping while still in the uterus. After she was born the cord was quickly cut and they started sucking the poop out of her lungs. She got an infection and had to be in the Special Care Nursery for 5 days on antibiotics. It was not the wonderful home birth that I had hoped for, but I am very thankful for hospitals and modern medicine.

Guinevere is home now and it doing just fine. I will post more pictures later.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thoughts On Pregnancy

I really love being pregnant. That is until I reach that window of time that my baby can be born. Then I can't stand it any more. I am a planner, and I dislike the fact that I have no idea what day or time the baby is coming. Don't get me wrong, I would never plan a c-section or something so that I could plan my life. I just wish that natural birth could be a little more predictable. I have currently passed my due date and thus have not been in a very good mood lately. I know the baby can't stay in me forever, but that does not help me from constantly wondering when she will come. I am constantly running game play strategies in my head. If she comes at this time then so and so can watch the kids, but if the labor takes too long then so and so will have to pick the kids up, yad yad yad. I have always wondered if I would have been more calm in waiting for labor to begin with my first child since I did not have to plan out who was going to take care of my other children. London came early and thus I never had time to worry about when she was going to come. So until little Guinevere makes her appearance I am trying to stay upbeat and not drive myself and others crazy with my constant wondering. Sorry to all those who catch me at my not so happy moments.