My Aunt Brenda celebrated her 50th birthday this year. We wanted to do something really special, so we had a big family get together. The theme was disco. I even found some neon die for the cake frosting.

I spent a lot of time gathering, sorting, and scanning pictures for this wonderful photo album that I was going to make for her. My siblings and my mom helped a lot, watching the kids so I could work, and going through all the pictures with me, but still I only got 8 years done, when I had originally planned to do like 30. I know, that was a pretty novel ambition, but I am still working on it, so hopefully by next year at her birthday I will be able to present her with some more pages. All in all it was a really fun party, and I was really happy that so many family members could drive into town for the occasion.

We had Joseph's birthday party the following weekend. I can't believe he is already 2. I did not have much time to work on a cake or any of that stuff but I got a dog on there (he loves to point at dogs and say the word, but he is not a big fan of dogs getting to close to him). He was not very happy at the beginning of the party. I think he was a little confused since we had to wake him up from a late nap after church. Here he is looking less then thrilled about everything.

He did warm up as he started to open the gifts, and he was really happy when he got to eat cake and ice cream. He insisted on playing with his new toys while eating. Not something I usually go for, but since it was his birthday, I let him.

I think his favorite toy was to large bag of blocks he got. Or at least they are the toy that is the most fought over. Here he is building a large tower. He loves to make a tower run over to me and say "big tower." After I look at it and smile he promptly kicks it and takes all the pieces apart and then builds a different tower.