Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Grill

At Robs work they have a test you have to take in order to be eligible to interview for supervisor positions. The three hour written and 2 hour oral test is call a "Grill." As I understand it, the Grill goes over corporate policies, accounting schedules, and other accounting stuff. Rob has been studying hard, and on Thursday he took and passed his Grill. Now instead of a Staff Accountant he is Senior Accountant. He is still doing the same job, but he has a new title. We are now eagerly awaiting the hiring and promotion freeze to be lifted so that Rob can start applying for supervisor positions. Congratulations Rob! I knew you could do it.


Denise said...

Congrats to Rob ... as if I didn't think he could totally spout off any company rule!

Here's to all company hiring/promotion/pay increases being lifted!!!

the Rowleys said...

Congrats! When Rob wants to do something he does it! Way to go!