After the parade we went down to the Trails End Celebration. They had a petting area for the kids. Jacob is sacred to death of live animals, so when this donkey walked by he tried desperatly to squeez inbetween Nana and the fence.
We eventually got him calm enough to hold this cute baby goat.
Joseph loved the petting area. He did not really pet the animals, just stared at them as they walked all around him.
Then we rode the horses. All the kids really loved this part.
London saw other kids going on the electronic bull, and she said she really wanted to go on it too. We stood in line and as we watched other kids get thrown off we asked if she still wanted to ride. She said she did so we let her. Jacob went first, and as you can see he absolutely loved it. He was laughing the whole time. Even when it finally threw him off. Obviously the guy at the controls makes it go much slower for the younger kids.
London on the other hand started screaming as soon as the thing started moving. By the time I crawled up there to get her she had tears streaming down her face. I guess to see how much Jacob loved it, it was worth the wait in line.
Are you kidding?!? That picture of London screaming her head off was totally worth the wait -- now you can laugh about that for years. I LOVE the pic of Jacob holding a goat. Oh, pics of cute kids are really one of my favorite things!
Thanks for the Flat Tyler pic. He should feel right at home with horses and cowgirls since there are plenty of them here ... just none around during the winter for us to snap pics of. :)
I can't beileve how big Joseph is getting! he looks so different from the last time I saw him.
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