December 12th-15th we celebrated Christmas with extended family on my mothers side. The grand kids (that's my generation) all got a hands on cinnamon roll baking lesson from my grandma. We played games and ate lots of food. And a few of us even made it to the zoo after the partying was over
Grandma with all her grandchildren and great grandchildren
London holding Hailey
Guinevere was born on Dec 18th, and after five days in the hospital she came home on Dec 23. The next morning I woke up and made sugar cookies to decorate that afternoon with Nana and Grandma Brown. Then we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner.
Grandma Brown helping Jacob, he really liked to goob on the frosting and sprinkles
London just liked to squeeze the frosting out and call it good
Joseph just ate the already frosted cookies
We had fun opening presents on Christmas morning with Grandma Brown and Papa Steve
Grandma Brown had to show the kids how to play hopscotch
Guinevere with candy from Santa
After the New Year we celebrated a late Christmas with my siblings and parents. Instead of a traditional Christmas dinner Christopher and Kendall decided to have us all make our own pizzas. After dinner we opened presents and played games.
Mom and Aunt Brenda preparing there pizzas
Travis and his wife Chris
Christopher and Kendall showing off there pizza
Jacob and Papa getting ready to put there pizza in the oven
Barbara and London proudly displayed there pizza for the camera
Guinevere just eat, slept and looked pretty during the party.
I love Christmas time, but I am sure glad that December is over. Hopefully next year I will not be pregnant, or sleep deprived from staying up all night with a new born.
Guinevere didn't just look pretty, she looked ADORABLE! I can't wait to see her in person.
BTW, this all goes to show you're a much greater woman than am I. If I had a baby in December, I'd sit on the couch the entire time and not do a THING!!! :)
And if you did have a baby next December I'd laugh at you ... and then send Becca for reinforcement. :)
I second that completly! Guinever is absolutly adorable!!! And I too would not do a thing if I had a baby in december, you are super mom! I also vouch for the wonderful help that Becca is. Even if you don't have a new baby she would be wonderful help. :) Thanks for blogging an update, I look forward to hearing all the news about your family.
What a joy to love on little Guinevere. I could hardly wait to tell everyone at home (including Loa Jean) how beautiful she is.
It was also a delight to share in your special Christmas joy. Rob being ever the "host" thought up such memorable events that we are still talking about and in the scrapbooking phase as we speak.
I hope this works because I've tried unsuccessfully to comment on both Denise's and Christina's blogs--but comptuers don't necessarily like me!
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