Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Pediatrician

Guinevere is now one month old, and has been to visit the Pediatrician twice, plus seeing the Pediatrician at the hospital everyday while she was in the nursery. Is all this really necessary? I know they need to get there shoots, and I would never forgive myself if something happened and I did not take them in for all the check ups the Ped says they need, but give me a break. The Ped wants her back in at two months of age as well. I also took Joseph in for his 18m check-up, and she wants him to come back in a month to be re-checked as well. She is not very happy with how he is developing, and also wants me to schedual an appointment with developmental specialist (which I am not going to do). Is my Ped just paronioid, or is this how they all are. Yes, my 18m old is not running yet, and does not talk, but he is only 18m old. I think that now days Peds see so many kids that are only children that they think all kids should develop at this rate. Let me explain. With your first child you spend so much time reading to them and trying to get them to talk and learn all there colors and body parts that of course they are going to start doing all these things sooner then kids that are from a big family. Joseph does not have to talk, because some how both London and Jacob understand what he wants when he grunts and they tell me what he wants. Plus parents with multiple kids understand that sometimes it is better if they can't talk. If you have a non stop talker like London you know what I mean. So what do all the other parents out there think, am I just not concerned enough, or is my Ped too concerned? As a side note, all my children measured in the upper 90th percentiles for there hights, go figure.


Brown Family said...

Yes, it is VERY tiring how much they like to see newborns. But I'm all about the vaccines, so I make sure to get 'em in. (My BFF decided to skip one so she wouldn't have to see her baby cry, and that was the very disease her daughter got and had to use a nebulizer and such. Then she had to get the vaccine anyway!)

I would take Joseph into a developmental specialist. I think they have a very good grip on what is normal. And I don't think they consider helping them unless they are way beyond normal. With Shayla we WANTED help w/her speech, and she had to be in the 6th percentile in speech to qualify for help. (And it's not even free help -- we have to pay for it!) Anyway, with her they did all the developmental and speech tests and such, and it was a great experience to see exactly where she was in each area. That would give you an idea of where on the spectrum he falls and whether or not you need to continue any type of physical therapy (which I think you mentioned before) or if you can just drop it.

Good luck ... and know that the visits drop dramatically after age 2, so you're only 2 years away from a new kind of chaos. ;) That's not meant to scare you -- the new chaos is easier anyway.

Lillie said...

Well, let me start by admitting to being a little weird.

I have a naturapathic pediatrician for my kids, I DON"T vaccinate - until they are two or three, and then ONLY the DTaP.

I NEVER take my kids for their wellness visits, and when we get sick we go to my great Naturapathic Dr, who also does family medicine and pediatrics. I could take my kids to him for their wellness visits if I wanted to, but I don't. I can tell if my kids are healthy. And they are. They are happy, healthy, growing, and thriving. My kids never talked much before age 2-21/2 either, but, they are talking great now. (Well, Ben and Dan that is, Hannah doesn't say much yet)

And that works for me. When my kids get sick, we always try the natural remedies first before an antibiotic, and that usually takes care of things.

I would go with your gut. If you think Joeseph needs to see a specialist, go. If not, then watch and wait.

I would also change pediatricians if you don't like or trust the one you have.

So there you have it. -- Well, after all, you asked.

The Rhodehouse's said...

Hey Jennifer! Wow! I can't believe you already have 4. It seems like yesterday you didn't have any. We still have our two. Are you having more or are you done?
Well the 4-plex is a headache especially when we are not there and we have to hire a company to manage it. Deshia is still living there too which is great. We have had many interest in the building, but what we are asking or is too much and we can't afford to go any lower so we are just stuck probably for another 5 years until we can get the payments and price lower. One of our tenents complains to us about the managers all the time. That gets really irritating. I wish I had like a spy camera so I can see what really goes on there. There have been a few problems with new tenant, because they have caused problems. Anyway that bothers us because people are not taking care of our properity and just doing whatever. What can you do when you are miles and miles away? Well I am so glad you found my blog. Keep intouch!

the Rowleys said...

difficult question. My first respons would be to pray, pray, pray! You as the mother knows most about your child. But I think I would pray about this, Because Heavenly father knows more, and see's what is down the road. Working with autistic children I can see the peds wanting early intervention. It is best, and I say if you are going to error, might as well be too much intervention than not enough. That being said, I also do not vaccinate until 3 years (so I haven't done it yet) but have it all planned out and that Michael will get only one shot at a time. But that is me and Michael, and trust me there was a LOT of prayer involved! It may be different for Emma, but now me knowing my children best and praying for guidence that is where I am at. On the other hand also if you don't like your ped, deffinatly change them. I could go on for hours about this, I have changed Michael's as well. Let's just say, if I had trusted my gut and changed my doctor and not just blindly trusted him, I wouldn't have had the bone tumor for 6 months and gone through all that pain!

The Rhodehouse's said...

Yes, let me know about who the Ricks have as there managing company. Our lease is up in Feb. so if we can find someone better then we'll go with them. Thanks. I could imagine life being crazy with 4 kids especially a year apart between each. Well they sure are cute.

Crystal said...

Hey Jen,
So nice to find you on here. I totally agree with you on the dr thing though. I am on the 3rd kid and a few doctors are concerned that our middle daughter, Kara, who is 21 mos old, is not talking in sentences yet. I am not sure if I should be concerned. She signs, and of course grunts, and somehow her big brother, ryan knows what she wants. As for all the dr visits in the beginning of a newborns life, I didn't understand until there were problems that arose with our new one. She was normal weight and height when born but wasn't gaining weight at the right rate. had to take her in for more weigh ins and then had her in the hospital for a high fever spike to make sure it wasn't meningitis. I am just happy that nothing was truly wrong. So in some instances it is normal, other instances I think it may be weird.
Anyways, keep in touch. would love to hear how warm you guys are in Arizona. I am so jealous :)