Thursday, December 25, 2008

Guinevere Has Arrived

Guinevere was born on Dec 18th at 4:36pm. She was 9lb 5oz, and 22.2in long. It has taken me so long to write because unlike we had planned Guinevere was born in the hospital and had to stay for 5 days. To make my explanation as short as possible I will leave out the medical terms. Around noon on the 18th my amniotic fluid turned green and my midwives transported me to the hospital. The green was due to Guinevere pooping while still in the uterus. After she was born the cord was quickly cut and they started sucking the poop out of her lungs. She got an infection and had to be in the Special Care Nursery for 5 days on antibiotics. It was not the wonderful home birth that I had hoped for, but I am very thankful for hospitals and modern medicine.

Guinevere is home now and it doing just fine. I will post more pictures later.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thoughts On Pregnancy

I really love being pregnant. That is until I reach that window of time that my baby can be born. Then I can't stand it any more. I am a planner, and I dislike the fact that I have no idea what day or time the baby is coming. Don't get me wrong, I would never plan a c-section or something so that I could plan my life. I just wish that natural birth could be a little more predictable. I have currently passed my due date and thus have not been in a very good mood lately. I know the baby can't stay in me forever, but that does not help me from constantly wondering when she will come. I am constantly running game play strategies in my head. If she comes at this time then so and so can watch the kids, but if the labor takes too long then so and so will have to pick the kids up, yad yad yad. I have always wondered if I would have been more calm in waiting for labor to begin with my first child since I did not have to plan out who was going to take care of my other children. London came early and thus I never had time to worry about when she was going to come. So until little Guinevere makes her appearance I am trying to stay upbeat and not drive myself and others crazy with my constant wondering. Sorry to all those who catch me at my not so happy moments.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Arizona Falls Park

On Sunday we decided to have an afternoon outing to Arizona Falls Park. I had never heard of it before and Rob said that it was new since I left for college. We both though it was going to be a nice park with a waterfall where the kids could run around on the grass and we could enjoy sitting on a blanket near the falls. We got all packed up and were very disappointed by what we found when we got there. It is an urban park of all concert and the waterfalls were made up of canal water. Apparently the land there naturally slopes downward, so they decided to put in scenic waterfalls for people to enjoy. There were actually couples making out there. It was kind of cool, but the smell of canal water would not make me want to make out with my date.
The kids did enjoy seeing the loud waterfalls. Jacob was scared of them and we had to coax him near the fence, but London and Joseph were both totally in to it. We were only there for about 30 min, but I did manage to get some good pictures.

Needless to say, we will do a little more research before we head out for our next afternoon adventure.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I have had a few people mention that I never post or send pictures of myself, so today I had Rob snap a few shots of me and my pregnant self after church. Overall this pregnancy has been going really well. Just a few weeks left and I am still actively pushing all three of my children around Costco and the zoo. I figured out the other day that when all three of them are in a shopping cart it is over 100lbs of just kids, not to mention groceries. By this time in my pregnancy with Joseph I was pretty much just sitting around the house hoping he would come out soon. So I am either getting stronger, or Gwen is not going to be a huge baby like Joseph. I hope you all enjoy the picture of me, you probably won't see them very often.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


The weather here has been so nice. This is the time of year that I really love to live in Arizona. We went to the zoo on Tuesday morning and enjoyed 70 degree weather. We have been able to have all the windows open so the house can air out. Soon we will have to close up the windows at night so the kids don't get too cold, but if it was up to me we would leave the windows open all winter long. Last night Rob had to throw another blanket on his side of the bed because he said it was cold in the house. I thought the temperature was perfect and would not let him close the window in our room (maybe I will be colder after this pregnancy is over). My children think that it is cold outside as well. When they go out they insist on having there jackets on, and London wants a pair of mittens to play outside in. London lived in Alaska the longest of any of my children, yet she is the biggest baby about being cold. If we want to see snow or the fall colors, we can drive a couple of hours north. However, I still have no desire to see or play in the snow even though we have not lived in Alaska for 3 years now. If any of our friends in Alaska or Utah want to come and visit so that they can defrost for a while you are more then welcome. I love Arizona winters.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This was the first year that London really understood what was going on, thus was able to get excited about it. We had been planning her custom for a while. She wanted to wear a tutu, and I saw a picture of a "flower fairy" in my Parents magazine that was wearing a tutu, so we endeavored to copy the picture. Seeing as how I have limited time and energy this was quite the endeavor. London was very happy with the end results, so I figured that was good enough.
Jacob and Joseph were both dressed as dogs. It is much easier to make a costume when the person wearing it has no say in what the costume should look like. After Barbara applied face makeup to the boys we all set out to go trick or treating.
My children had quite the entourage as they hit the streets. Dad was pulling the wagon and Mom, Nana, and Aunt Barbara were all along to make sure the little ones did not get picked on by any of the bigger kids in the neighborhood, or run into the street and get hit by a car.

At first Joseph would just walk up behind the other two because that is what we were telling him to do. Then after about 10 houses he started to figure out that when people put a bowl of candy down in front of you you pick up a piece and put it into your pumpkin. He would continue to put candy into his pumpkin till someone stopped him. The people handing out the candy thought this was very cute, so he made off with a good deal of candy.Overall the night was a success. The kids and mom were all quite tired after walking the neighborhood. I am just glad that it had started to cool down a bit and we were not trick or treating in 80 degree weather.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Getting things started

After seeing so many of my friends and family members blogs I thought that I should start one of my own. Hopefully this will help everyone keep up to date with our ever growing family. I still have not totally figured out how to do everything, so there is not much to look at right now. Hopefully I will have figured everything out before Guinevere comes and I will be able to post pictures of her.