Saturday, March 3, 2012

Disneyland Day 1

We started the day with an early character breakfast. London Jacob and Joseph loved it. Guinevere was ok if all she had to do was watch the other kids with the characters, if I actually tried to get her close to them she freaked out. I was a little disappointed that you had to go stand in line outside to see Minni Mouse, and it was her breakfast, but other then that it was great.

We discovered that if the characters looked like people, and not furry animals that Guinevere was ok getting near them, she even liked when we got over to see Tinkerbell. We let all the kids pick a hat out. They ended up being a huge hassle because most of the time they did not want to keep them on there heads, and I ended up holding them all. Needless to say we did not let them bring there hats to days 2 and 3 at the parks.

We stayed and watched the parade and then headed home on the first night. The kids were pretty tired, but I think they enjoyed themselves.

1 comment:

Carol said...

It looks like so much fun! I'm glad you guys were able to go, and I love the pictures! I will be excited to see new posts with more pictures.