That is my Aunt Earlene next to Joseph. I stood next to Guinevere once the ride started, I just stepped back for the picture.

Next we moved on to Dumbo. The line was surprisingly short. Good thing to because my kids were super impatient about waiting in line. They kept trying to cut in front of people to get to the front of the line.
I was sitting right in front of Barbara, Jalynn, and London so I got some great action shots of them up in the air.

Here is me, Joseph, and Guinevere waiting for the ride to get started. I am pretty sure this was Josephs favorite ride.

My Dad and Jacob were a little too far away to get a great picture of them.

Next we headed over to the Casey Jr Circus Train ride. (Don't worry I don't plan to give a play by play of the whole day.)

This is a great picture of London on the Snow White ride. It is a mixture of excitement and fright. London and Jacob both did great at going on all the rides, even Big Thunder Mtn, and Space Mtn. After the Snow White ride and Mr. Toads Wild Ride Joseph would not go on the Pinocchio ride. After siting out that one ride he went on everything else. Surprisingly he loved all the rollercoasters. When given the choice to go on the rollercoaster in Toontown a second time he chose to go.

Unlike Guinevere, Jalynn was very content to be passed around, and everyone got a chance to hold her. Here's her and Papa in line for the storybook boats.

All three kids loved the tea cups. Barbara took both boys with her,

and London and I had a pink cup all to ourselves.

We did go on It's a Small World later that evening, but I don't have any pictures from that. Tomorrow, if I have time, I will post more pictures of our wonderful adventure at Disneyland.
It's a Small World was closed when we went! Loving the pictures. Disneyland is really magical!!!
It's okay if you DOdocument every minute on your Blog! I love the pictures! Having just seen the kids makes it that much more fun for me to watch!
Already I am wishing we could rewind life for a moment and go hangout at WDW. :)
Looks like a lot of fun. The kids are growing like weeds. I have been feeling very well thank you for asking me. I can really tell the difference with my body when I was pregnant in my 20s and now that I'm in my 30s. Big difference. I think I have more muscle aches, but at least I'm not sick.
I love the new style of your blog. It looks great!! Enjoy those little ones. They are growing too fast.
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