On Friday my Mom and Aunt Brenda came over to help us frost Easter cookies and dye eggs. I just love how bright the frosting turned out.

Here is London showing off one of the eggs that her and Aunt Brenda dyed.

Joseph took control of the blue egg dye, and would not let anyone else use it. He has decided that anything that he touches is his and that no one else should touch it. It has been a difficult stage for us since there are so many other children in the house touching all of "his" toys. Luckily the other kids did not care if they could not dye there eggs blue, and we did not have a meltdown.

Jacob decided he would be in a supervisory roll for cookie frosting and egg dyeing. He knew exactly what he wanted and made sure that the adult at his side carried out his wishes. Here he is inspecting the eggs to make sure they are the right color.

I attempted to let Guinevere in on all the fun, but she only wanted to put her hands in the dye, so this was the only egg she assisted with.

Most of the eggs came away unharmed from the egg dyeing process and a fun time was had by all.
Hopefully Joseph's stage will be quick-lived for your sanity. :) Love the cookies. So glad you had helpers to make the day fun for everyone.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. It's fun to see what your family is up to.
You are the expert cookie maker, Jennifer! and how I love seeing pictures of the kids having such fun frosting cookies and dyeing eggs!
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