Joseph sleeps with a small Winni the Pooh and Tigger, so I really tried to prepare him that the ones we would be seeing were going to be a lot bigger. He had no problem loving on all the giant Pooh characters.

Guinevere loved Pooh. She kept grabbing his nose, and petting his soft fur.

Minni got right down and was playing peek-a-boo with Jalynn.

Here are the other three with Pooh. He was the first character that we saw when we got into breakfast. Each of the characters came around multiple times, so the kids really had a chance to warm up to them.

We all had a really great time. I hope the kids remember this experience for a long time. Thanks Dad.
SO. MUCH. FUN!!! I'm jealous. :)
love the pictures. Glad the kids had such a great time!
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