A post by Rob:
This weekend we escaped the heat of the valley by visiting our favorite campground in the mountains. Since our camping plans earlier in the summer were scratched due to rain the kids were really looking forward to spending some time in the mountains. As we drove out of the valley and began to climb the first mountain pass London said to her siblings “Look! We’re on the mountain!” We were so surprised that the campground, which usually fills up quickly Friday afternoon, was entirely vacant. We were to only campers the first night, joined by only one other camper the second night. We set up at our favorite spot, which has a view overlooking the valley 6,500 feet below. As sunset approached, I experimented with several of the exposure setting on the camera, trying to capture the views that make this spot so great. The second day we walked the 1 ¼ mile loop road at the top of the mountain. This wore out Joseph and Guinevere who took a nap in the tent. We saw less wildlife than our previous visits but did have an unwelcome skunk come through camp after the kids were asleep.