The kids loved the beach. It was Guinevere's first time to the beach, and Joseph wasn't even a year old the last time we went to a beach so I don't think the other kids remember it all that well. All the kids loved the water. I thought it was cold, and I really did not expect the kids to play in it that much, but I was wrong. Guinevere would start to turn purple and we still had to drag her out kicking and screaming. When the other three got to the point that they were shaking because they were so cold I would suggest they go and play in the sand for a little while to warm up, and they would insist that they were not cold and did not need to get out. Crazy water loving kids!
I had a hard time picking pictures to post because we took so many good ones. I can't wait to scrapbook all of them.

Yes, Guinevere is about to fall over in this picture. I thought the kids would get water on there toes, see how cold it was, and then run back up and play in the sand. Boy was I wrong, all four of them got there pants wet.

A few days before we left I was trying to take Guinevere's 18m pictures and she refused to look at me. For some reason when we were at the beach she decided that every time she saw me with the camera she would look at me and make this face while saying cheeeese.

Jacob was very difficult to catch on film. Every time we got out the camera he would look down or hide his face. I had to take this one from a distance.

Hey, the 18-month pic you posted is awesome! Good shot.
If they loved the water, think of how much they'd love the snow. I think you'd better plan a trip to Utah next winter. :)
Your family is so cute! Looks like a great time!
Rob told me of your impromptu trip when something else fell through. It sounds like you made wonderful family memories--even if the beach was cold. (I always thought the California beach was cold when I lived there too--must not have warmed up much!)
Thanks for doing such a good job of keeping up on pictures of kids for me
The kids are so cute and so tall. I bet Londan is taller than both of mine.
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