My sweet little boy has been anxiously awaiting his birthday party every since Jacob had his. When we went to his cousins Tinkerbell party all decked out in purple and pink he got so excited and asked "This Joseph's birthday?" When my sister brought some of the leftover cake over to my house again he got really excited and asked "This Joseph's birthday party?" For the 4th of July we decorated a cake for Americas birthday and again Joseph asked "This Joseph's birthday party?" He never got upset, he would just say "Oh" and move. When the day actually came for his birthday party I made sure he knew that the cake I was making was definitely for him.
Joseph has been into all things Toy Story. In the nursery at church they have a Mr. Potato head. Every time he sees it he gets really excited and says "Toy Story!" When he saw his cake he said "Oh Mom, its Toy Story."

As he opened each of his presents and spied a character from the move he would yell "Toy Story!" I know he knows all the characters names, so it is kind of amusing to me that instead of saying who they actually were he would just say "Toy Story."

When he pulled the card out of this gift he said "stars." He didn't say it like he was noticing a shape, but more like he was in aw that someone had given him actually stars. I wish we had been taking video at the time, it was that cute.

I did not really want to do anything terribly difficult on the cake, so I decided that Mr. Potato Head would be the easiest character to put on the cake. I was super excited with how well the cake turned out.

Joseph is such a wonderful, sweet boy. He is truly a joy to have around most of the time, and I could not imagine our lives without him.
once again awesome cake! Looks like Joseph had a wonderful time. Great pictures too!
Yes, the cake is great -- way to go! So glad he finally got his party and toy story stuff to make him happy. :)
That is so cute that Joseph kept asking if it was his party (and that he was so patient, too.) I loved the Mr. Potato Head cake--you are so good at these cakes, Jennifer! The pictures of the party were awesome too!
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