Here is Joseph sleeping on one of our road trips. This position would definitively make my neck sore.

Most babies sleep with there knees tucked up under them, but not mine. You might think this is uncomfortable, but this is how she always sleeps. I have decided that she is exceptionally flexible.
Guinevere 9m

Sundays seem to be particularly hard on babies sleep schedules. It is difficult to know whether they should just be put down for a nap, or if they need to eat something first. I guess on these two occasions sleep just could not wait.
Guinevere 9m

Joseph 11 months
(at least he finished the bottle before promptly rolling over and falling asleep)
(at least he finished the bottle before promptly rolling over and falling asleep)

This picture is of London when she was 2 1/2. She refused to go to bed, just wanted to sit there and eat her Chex, so I let her. Next thing I know she was fast asleep with some Chex actually sitting in her mouth uneaten.

Oddly enough I could not find any pictures of Jacob in really weird positions, but I do think where he puts his arms is kind of funny. They are either spread out wide like below, or he sleeps with both hands behind his head like he is relaxing on the beach or something.

So did this post make you laugh, or run for your bed to get some shut eye?
Gwen looks huge. Doesn't she know she's supposed to be a baby?!? :)
Babies are hilarious about their sleeping happening anywhere. You should stick these on a scrapbook page.
It is hallarious how they fall asleep. Thanks for sharing, it sure put a smile on my face.
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