When we planed our October camp out we decided we would not go to the mountains, but stay down lower, where it would be warmer. Then we saw the forecast. It was suppose to be 101 degrees where we planed to camp, so we headed to the mountains once again. The temperature was perfect (if you are in the sun you can wear jeans and short sleeves, but in the shade you need long sleeves on), and there was hardly anyone up there. There was an almost constant breeze, so there were no bugs to speak of. The only down side was the cows. Yes, there were cows. I did not get any pictures of the cows, though we did see and hear them a few times. Mostly we just saw what they left behind, large cow patties (I didn't think anyone would want me to post pictures of that). The kids were really good at spotting the cow patties, and thus avoiding them. I may not have liked and cows being around (mostly because of what they left behind), but I think for the kids it was the highlight of the trip.
We had a great view from our campsite. Here are London and Joseph posing for the camera. Jacob did not want his picture taken. Every time I got out the camera he would hide his face and try and run away.

London wanted me to get a lot of pictures of her. Here is London and Rob

Here is a picture that Rob got of the great view we had from our campsite.

I think that this picture of my two boys walking along talking is just so cute. They don't get along most of the time because Jacob is into imaginative play like London, and Joseph doesn't understand what they are doing. I think once Joseph bridges that gap that they will be inseparable.

The kids have finally started to enjoy being able to just sit around the fire and watch it "dance".

London was kind enough to take this picture of Rob and I as the sun was setting.

I am kind of sad to see this camping season come to an end. The kids did so great on this camp out. They didn't fight very much, they were content to be outside and just play and enjoy the weather. Sure, Jacob still woke up around 3:30am and would not go back to bed, but that is better then the last few camp outs. I will enjoy having Guinevere with us next year, and I do love all the winter holidays. I think I can come up with plenty of other family activities for us to do till we start camping again in March or April.