A lot of people can not believe that I take all four of my kids grocery shopping and to pediatrician appointments. They think I must be crazy (and maybe I am), but I really just don't have a choice in the matter. I do have the option of bathing them at separate times, but it is just so much faster to do it all at once. A little crazy, but faster. I usually try and get one of the older kids to hold Guinevere, but Joseph threw a fit when I gave her to Jacob. Joseph has really taken a liking to her. Maybe he still understands her when she babbles?

Guinevere has just recently started liking taking a bath. She is smiling even though Jacob keeps dumping water on her head.

You are such a great mom! I'm sure it's madness at times, but I love your attitude about having fun. I like having fun with my bunch too. - and they all bathe together too.
Those pictures are so adorable! I love the way they all have such a love for eachother. That is precious. You are a great mom!
Gwen looks O.L.D. Time for another! ;)
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