We took our first camping trip of the season. This was a first time Joseph has ever gone camping. Guinevere stayed at home with Nana. I think taking babies out camping is just too difficult. It was great to get out of the heat and up into the cool mountain air.

The kids enjoyed playing in the dirt, and climbing on all the rocks while Rob and I got camp set up. Once the fire got started though it was hard to pull there attention away from it. Here is all the kids mesmerized by the fire that Rob got started.

This is just a sample of how dirty the kids got. Joseph just could not keep his hands off his face.

The kids were really excited to roast marshmallows. Rob helped each one roast a marshmallow to put in there smore. Then Jacob said he wanted just a marshmallow, not in a smore. We gave it to him and he said he did't want it because it was dirty. He did not like that I had taken the time to carefully make it golden brown for him. I guess roasted marshmellow is an aquired taste.

Here is Joseph getting his first taste of a smore. I am not sure if he liked it or not since half of it ended up in the dirt and he was not upset about it.

It took forever to get the kids to finally fall asleep. You would think all the excitement would have tired them out. Once we all finally got to sleep Jacob woke up twice durring the middle of the night. The first time he was cold, and wanted us to turn the light on in the tent. We turned on the flashlight and tried to get him to sleep in his sleeping bag, or under one of the extra blankets that we had brought. It took a while, but we finally got him back to sleep. Then he woke up around 3:30 am just screaming. He was unconsolable and screamed for about 45 minutes. Of course he woke up his siblings, and even though we tried, I don't think they ever really fell back to sleep. I don't think the campers next to us were very happy since they were packed up and gone by 6am. Here I am a not so happy camper tending to the breakfast fire.

We decided to take our cast iorn cook wear out and make meals over the fire. Our griled cheese sandwiches for dinner turned out great and were a big hit. However, the scrambled eggs, bacon and biscutes for breakfast took too long for the kids and then they hardly eat any of it. Robs biscutes came out a little burnt on both sides, so Rob tried to convince them to just eat the middles out of them. They did not like that though. Rob and I thought breakfast was great, and we were pretty proud of ourselves.

After breakfast we cleaned up and went out on a hike. Here is the view from the top. London loved looking throught the binoculars that we brought with us. I could not even get her to put them down for the picture. The hike was a little shorter then we were hoping for because Joseph kept sitting down on the trail and refusing to walk.

The kids were a little winy, and did not care for all the bugs, but I think overall things went pretty well. Rob hopes to go camping once a month over the summer. I am hopeful that the more often we camp the better the kids will get at it. If anyone has some good suggestions of fun activies for small children while camping I would love to hear them. Happy trails!