I can not believe that my little girl is already 4 years old. The time seems to go by so quickly. London asked for a kitten chasing a butterfly on her cake. My mother and I spent a good chunk of Saturday working on the cake. It took so long because my mom was trying to teach me how to decorate the cake. I think it turned out pretty well for my first cake.
London's birthday was a while ago, but we just had her party. We kept telling her that she was already 4, but she insisted that she was not 4 because she had not had her birthday party. At the party her uncle asked her how old she was and she said 3. "But I thought this was your 4th birthday party." "No, I am not 4 yet." After she blew out her candles he asked again "Are you 4 now." He got a resounding "Yes" from the birthday girl. If blowing out the candles on the cake is what makes you turn another year older I know a lot of people who would stop putting candles on the cake.
London has grown out of her Princess Jasmin dress up outfit, so we got her a Bell outfit with shoes. She loved it, and changed into it right after she finished her cake and ice cream. We had a hard time getting it off of her when it was time to change into her PJ's.
Joseph loved the cake and ice cream, and I think he was even more thrilled that we would let him eat it by himself. Rob tried to help, but Joseph just took Robs spoon away. Its not really a party if there is not a mess to clean up.
Here is Uncle Drake reading one of the stories that he got for London.
It was a great night, and London seemed to enjoy herself. I felt kind of bad that I was not up to having a friend party for her, but she did not seem to know the difference. Maybe next year.