I decided I would dress all four kids up as pirates this year, and I convinced Rob to help me make the costumes. London wanted to be a princess, so I had to do some convincing there as well. London and Jacob were the only two who would cooperate to take pictures. Guinevere would not sit still, and Joseph wanted nothing to do with the camera (he was not feeling well). I had hoped for better pictures after all the work we went through to make these outfits, but no such luck. Guinevere loved sitting in the stroller looking at all the pumpkins and decorations that were out. A few people even put candy in her stroller, like a baby can eat candy. I was worried that it was going to be cold out and that I should have bought long sleeve white shirts for the kids to wear, but the weather was perfect. It was a pretty good Halloween, but I am glad it is over. I am ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Sooooo cute! You guys did a great job on the costumes. Tell London she is a beautiful pirate princess!
loved the costumes! Great job on making them.
What adorable costumes!! Makes these huggable kidlets seem even more huggable!
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