My baby is 2! Time is going way too quickly. I told myself I would not do it, but I just can't seem to help myself, I baby my baby. Yes, Guinevere gets away with so much more then my other children. And of course she is a smart little girl and knows that she can get away with stuff. I love how she still curls up on my lap when she is upset. I love that she enjoys crashing cars and playing dinosaurs with her brothers and combing her hair and playing dolls with London. She is a picky little eater, and is often cranky because I won't give in and let her eat only graham crackers. Guinevere is adorable and presious, and while it is fun to see her learning new things and start talking, I am sad that my baby years are behind me (I don't miss the lack of sleep though).
We enjoyed a quite party at our house with family for her birthday. I was not feeling very motivated, so after putting on the white frosting I just let my mom decorate the cake. She did a great job like usual.

Opening all those presents was a little too exhausting for Guinevere.

It is a good thing we had some cake on hand to perk her back up.