Visiting Santa this year was a true test of my patience. When a few too many things decided to work against me I should have scraped the whole idea and rescheduled for a different day, but I didn't. The place where I go to get pictures is a huge store, but they allow me to use my own camera to take pictures and they give the kids a print out of the picture they took, all for free. I like free, so I go despite the craziness of the store. On weekdays Santa does not show up till 5pm. I knew that I did not want to go on a weekend because the crowed is too much. Since Rob does not get home that early I decided to arrange for two extra adults to go with me, both for different reasons were unable to show up. I feed the kids an early dinner and we headed out alone. Guinevere was not happy for whatever reason and was screaming almost the whole way there. We arrived at 5:10 and there was already a line. My kids, like all kids I am sure, do not like to wait in lines. They had activities for the children but they were all up closer to where Santa was and I did not feel comfortable letting my kids go up there since I had to stay in line. After 10 minutes of wining I let the older three run up there were the explicate instructions that they had to stay together, yah right. Guinevere was not happy about this either, and proceeded to scream in my arms for 5 minutes before I allowed her to wonder up to where London was by herself. I was close enough not that I could at least see them for the most part. I got a few looks from the other parents standing around me for this, but I am use to it so it did not bother me too much. When I was three people away from getting to see Santa I tried to round my children up. London was the only one who came willingly. I left London in line with the camera and stroller while I went after of my wayward children. London, Jacob, and Joseph all stood willingly with Santa for me to get a picture. I place a mostly calm Guinevere on Santa's lap and she screamed. I was not even able to get a picture of her with my camera. I had originally planned to see Santa a couple times so that I could get a good picture of each of the kids but I was so exhausted after one trip that I never went back.