Every year in the Spring time we get a new family picture. This year Rob thought it would be nice to take pictures outside with a nice desert background as oppose to an indoor picture with a professional. I figured this would be ok. It would save money, and might even be fun. I picked a day, got my sister Barbara to wake up and take the pictures for us, and found clothing for everyone that sort of went together.
I am sure that all of you with young children can guess what happened. It was a disaster. None of the children wanted to cooperate, and at each location we choose the sun was in our eyes. Barbara took about 30 pictures, and Joseph is looking at the camera in 1 of them. Yes, just one, and in that one picture London is trying to take her shirt off, and Jacob is leaning over looking at something on the ground.
I had really hoped that since this was our first family photo with Guinevere in it that it would be nice enough to frame and put on the wall. I have moved pass this to hoping that next years picture will be good enough to frame, and can now laugh about what a disaster last Saturday was.
Here is the picture that hours of preparation and one stressful Saturday morning resulted in.